Do you provide Professional TV Installation Service in my area?
We cover 98% of all zip codes in the USA through 14,000 Professional & Certified Technicians. If we do not have an available Tech in your area we will let you know right away. Coverage includes TV installation, Home Theater Installation and Set up, Computer and Network Wiring installation and Computer Repair.
How soon can you install my TV?
If you have a TV wall mount and cables we can do the installation tomorrow. If not we can schedule the installation in 3 business days so we can send you the right cables and the right TV Wall Mount. We work Monday through Saturday from 8am to 6pm. We are closed Sunday.
Can I order my TV installation Online?
Yes. Just pick a TV installation by clicking "add to cart" button and go through the screens. It is as easy as ordering a product online. You will be able to schedule your appointment, pick the right TV wall mount and cables and finally enter your credit card info to confirm the appointment.
Would you Charge my Credit Card before the work is done?
No. We will not charge your credit card but we will check it to make sure there are funds available to cover the service. Once the service is completed to your satisfaction we will then charge your credit card.
How long does it take to complete my TV Installation?
Most standard packages take 2-3 hrs. Custom Installations might take longer. Also with some installations we might have to come back to patch and smooth the wall openings.
What if I need something done that is not included in your installation packages?
Just call our project managers and they will design a custom installation package that fits your needs.
Is there a cancellation fee if I cancel my appointment?
There is a $49 cancellation or recheduling fee and a 25% restocking & shipping fee on all products.
I do not have my TV yet. When should I order the installation service?
Order your installation service as soon as possible. Please make the appointment 1 day after your TV and other parts arrive.
I have 2 TV's that need to be installed. Do I get a discount?
Yes you get a 10% discount if you order more than one service at the same time for the same location.